Profile by Sanford

During COVID-19

Check our social media for hours since they vary. We offer virtual coaching and curbside pickup.


Lasting Weight Loss for Real Life

With donuts in the break room and happy hours on the calendar, making smart choices isn’t always easy. Profile by Sanford is here to change that. We make weight loss simple, easy-to-follow, and—best of all—sustainable.

Profile was created by expert researchers and physicians at Sanford Health. It’s weight loss designed to be customized for each member, meaning certified coaches will tailor your Plan to you for every step of your weight loss journey. Profile combines nutrition with activity and lifestyle changes to get you the results you want because we know that the only program that works, is the one you will stick with.

You are worth it. You owe it to yourself to end fad diets and choose lasting weight loss from the lifestyle change experts at Profile. We believe in you and our program so much we promise you’ll lose 15% of your body weight after 12 months.